Operation and Maintenance Support

Service descriptions 

The concept of informatization are developing and changing every day and new application models have imposed new requirements on IT architecture. As an IT infrastructure, network architecture substantially affects the running of the whole IT platform in terms of stability, security, availability, scalability and manageability. 

As a service provider, Xinhua Times is familiar with client’s network infrastructure environment and can provide professional technical support services. In the process of network operation and maintenance, we utilize a network administration system to monitor and control network equipment’s health conditions on a real-time basis and issue alarms actively; utilize network security management products to monitor and control any anomalies of the network; utilize network automation tools for regular backup, patrol inspection, comparison and conformity checks of network configurations. The combination of multiple operation and maintenance modes helps to guarantee the high availability of the network.


Scope of services 

Routine maintenance of network equipment (troubleshooting, maintenance and modification, network monitoring and control, regular patrol inspection, etc)

Network planning and optimization proposals 

Network skill training 

Network file management


Service mode 

5x8h field services and 7x24h responses. 

Professional Services